Pastor's Weekly Musing

Hey everyone!

This week, I've asked our very own David Bombara to bring the devotional for the Pastor's Musing.

If you know David, you love him. He and Laura have been attending Meadows for the past two years, and they've quickly become some of the most beloved people we know. David leads the Men's Ministry, and has been a part of our Prayer Team, Hospitality, Facilities Team, and more. The guy is everywhere.

"If it is to be, it is up to me." This verse is not found in the Book of Proverbs, but it was my mantra for way too long. As a young married man with very big dreams, I devoured every "self-help" and "personal development" book there was and each one taught me that I alone was in control of my destiny. Pride filled my heart and left no room for God. Achieving worldly successes only solidified my belief that I was the one in control but I soon learned that God builds and pride destroys.

Looking back, I had so many classic signs of pride (do you recognize any in yourself?):
1. I only gave myself credit for what I accomplished.
2. I wasn't very open to input from others.
3. I was overly competitive.
4. I felt deserving.
5. I found it hard to admit when I didn't know something.
6. I was driven by recognition.

I didn't pay attention to the initial clues (workaholism, marriage issues, family challenges, poor health, extreme stress) that pride was destroying my life. But God knew how to get my attention in the only way I would listen at the time, through my business. In the first 7 years my business grew faster than I ever dreamed and I never gave thanks to God once. Then the great housing recession hit and I realized I couldn't "outwork" or "outsmart" the nation's failing economy. I was exhausted in every way and finally realized that God, not myself, is in control of everything. Soon after a friend shared a game changing verse that spoke to me:

For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world (1 John 2:16 NLT).

After totally surrendering my life to God, He carried my business through the great recession, but more importantly He healed my prideful heart. My marriage, family and pursuit of God's will for my life has been better ever since.

To keep my prideful heart in check I:
1. Pray to God to reveal to me where pride is arising in my heart.
2. Confess my prideful ways to God and ask for forgiveness.
3. Use the talents God has blessed me with to further his kingdom and give ALL glory to Him.
4. Enjoy God's blessings in my life but realize they came from Him.
5. Do everything with excellence to honor God.
6. Don't try to impress anyone.
7. Am part of a community that loves me for who I am (I'm a little biased, but Meadows does an amazing job at this).

Today, I know the Bible is the source of all wisdom and can guide me through any life situation. And instead of basing my life around "if it is to be, it is up to me" I now turn to:

For the Lord delights in his people; he crowns the humble with victory (Psalm 149:4 NLT).

Sunday, August 13 -- Facilities Team Gathering! 
Join David and the squad as they setup tables/chairs in the Sanctuary after the 11 AM service. Afterward, the team will head over to the Great Room for a meal and team meeting. Current team members AND anyone who is interested in joining Team Meadows, sign up HERE!

Monday, August 14 -- CRAVE Ladies Gathering! Join the Meadows women's ministry, in their partnership with Ignite Life, for the launch of Crave monthly gatherings at Meadows. Crave gatherings are a time of incredible Biblical teaching, life-giving fellowship and conversation, and delicious dessert. Come as you are and invite your friends too! Click HERE for more info and to get registered!

Saturday, August 19 -- Men's Serving Saturday. Join David Bombara and the Meadows Men as they meet for a Church Clean-up day! They'll beat the heat by gathering at the church at 7 AM, and there will be a handful of simple tasks to help keep the property in good shape. We'll have food, coffee, water, and some projects to complete. Click HERE to let us know you'll be there.

Tuesday, August 22 -- ROOTED Discipleship begins! Our 10-week small group discipleship experience is kicking off again and registration is now open! Rooted is a catalyst to grow deeper in your relationship with God, one another, and your purpose. Sign up today so we can get your Rooted book ordered, then join us around the table on Tuesday, August 22. Find lasting community and a deeper relationship with God through Rooted! Click HERE to sign up!
Wasn't Back-to-School Sunday awesome??

Over 100 students, teachers, and administrators were prayed over individually, and were launched into the new school year with a fresh prayer covering. Thanks to everyone who came and participated. I love this church!
This Sunday, we'll start a new series: RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Jesus said exactly that in John 20, when He commissioned the disciples to go and preach the Gospel to the world. The Bible says Jesus "breathed on them" and told them to take a receptive posture to the outpouring of the Spiriting their lives.

We'll look to do the same in this series. For us, I believe this is more than a sermon series. We'll focus on a comprehensive theology of the Holy Spirit, and discover how to operate in and build out a culture of Spirit empowerment at Meadows and in our daily lives.

Join us this Sunday for Part 1 - Thirst.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the walkway!

Pastor Ron




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