Pastor's Weekly Musing

Hi friends,
The contemplative practice we introduced on Sunday is Lectio Divina. Sacred practices like these help train our minds and our spirits to connect more deeply to the presence of God. We are in training people! Together let's grow our spiritual muscles! Below is a recap of this week's Sacred Practice. I pray that the introduction of these practices provides you with a variety of ways to connect deeper with the One who loves you most.
This week I have asked Kim Engelhardt to share a short devotional with you. Kim and her husband Doug have been attending Meadows for years. She is a member of our Praying Elder team and our Ladies Connect Leadership team. She loves Jesus, her family, and the Cincinnati Reds. I hope you enjoy her devotional.
The joy of the Lord is my strength.  If we think about the last couple of years, it’s easy to get depressed, feel weakened, or feel like this world is just getting darker and darker. No matter how dark the world may seem, for the child of God, there is a remedy. That remedy is the light, hope, and joy that comes from knowing Christ and being part of His family.   Jesus is the light of the world and if we focus on Him and the things of God, that light will illuminate our hearts and minds with hope and joy.Romans 12:2 tells us to “be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  When I read this verse and try to understand what it means when applied to the way I have thought at times or to understand what it seems the trend has become with the way people seem to be thinking since the pandemic began and all the other troubles that have seemed to have come into the world in the last few years, I am reminded that the way children of God and the children of the world think should be different.  It should be different, but how?

 As we look at the bad news on social media, on the news, or in the paper, our perspective on life in this world changes.  It becomes darker and darker because we are exposing ourselves to the dark in this world.  If we spend more time looking at or listening to things that are dark than we do things that are joyful, the darker our thoughts and outlook on life will become. Without even knowing it, we find ourselves conforming to thinking, speaking, believing, and acting like the world. So, if we’re not to conform to the world, how are we to transform and renew our thoughts?
 I think to renew our minds and transform our lives, we must change our perspective and the way we think.  Christ came to deliver us from living lives of darkness, but it is our choice to live in the light or the darkness. If we choose the light, then we need to fill our hearts and mind with light and the things of God and limit exposing them to darkness and things of the world. This may mean something as simple as changing the type of music you listen to or something as complex as swearing-off social media.

 In 1987, I decided to limit the type of music I listened to praise music only. I found after doing so, that my general outlook on life was more joyful. Several years later, I discovered that watching certain types of movies made me tense and uncomfortable, so I stopped watching those types of movies and found that I enjoyed watching movies more. I wasn’t worried about what was going to happen so I could enjoy the show. Fifteen years ago, I fasted social media for a couple of weeks and discovered that it was eating up my time and causing me to be angry and cynical. In each one of these cases, I spent more time thinking about God and godly things.  The result: more joy, more hope, and more strength to face the world in my life.
Upcoming Events at Meadows:
 - Meet the Pastors: Sunday, August 28, from 12:30 - 1:00 PM 
 New to Meadows? You're invited to come meet your pastors, hear the heart and vision of Meadows, find ways to get connected, and even become a member. Meet the Pastors will take place in the sanctuary, kids are welcome. To RSVP, click here.

 - Ladies Connect is BACK! Join us on Tuesday September 13 for our launch party! Here are all of the details:

Fall Ladies Connect:
Study: Waymaker
Morning Session: 10:00 - 11:30 AM
Evening Session: 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Fall Session Length: Eight Weeks
Cost: $30 (Study Guide is included)
(Childcare is available)
 We will be journeying through Ann Voskamp's Waymaker study together while enjoying connection and deeper relationship with God and one another. Ladies of all ages (16 and up) are encouraged to register for Ladies Connect. To register today click here.
This Sunday, Pastor Grace Kladnik, Associate Supervisor for the Western District of Foursquare and a Lead Pastor at Vintage Faith Church in Culver City, will share a message for Part 3 of our Abide series. I can't wait!
See you on the walkway!
 Pastor Portia




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