
We'd love to hear all about what you have accomplished, what you have planned, and see a few pics of you along your journey. Use the "Graduate Ticket" button to upload your pictures to be a part of our graduate video. Once you’ve completed the form, you will receive a confirmation email. If for some reason you do not, please contact us. We need to receive all materials by May 28.

Family & friends:

You are invited to purchase tickets to support our graduates. The more the merrier!


Where is the Grad Banquet taking place?
Meadows Fellowship
7801 W Alexander
Las Vegas, NV 89129

When is the event?
June 8, 2023

What time does it begin?
6:00 PM

What time should I arrive?
Doors will open at 5:40 PM to allow time for us to set up for the event.

Who is considered a graduate?
This event honors all of our graduates from 8th grade, 12th grade, and college.

What should I wear?
Dress to impress. This is a great chance for photos so don't let the fact that its at the church fool you. This is the place to be!

Can I purchase additional tickets?
Your graduate gets a ticket for themselves and a guest. Additional tickets can be purchased for anyone else who would like to attend.

Will there be food?
Yes, we will be enjoying dinner and dessert together. If you have any dietary restrictions please let us know.