Pastor's Weekly Musing

Hey everyone!

It's late January, which is my annual time of year to fail at all my grandiose New Year's resolutions. My read-the-entire-Bible-in-a-year resolution got stuck in Leviticus, my drink-half-my-body-weight-of-water-daily resolution ended after my 19th trip to the restroom, and my eat-less-sweets resolution ended after a long Sunday and a ravenous raid of the pantry.

Sound familiar?

Most of my plans end with me thinking "Just this once..." and then feeling so much shame about failing that I hide it, which leads to more shame, which leads to more hiding. It's an ugly cycle.

This is why it's important to know that God is all-knowing. The theological term is "omniscient". There is not one single thing in the universe that God is unaware of, or needs to be informed of, or needs to study up on. He knows it ALL.

That includes you! The good, the bad, the ugly, the REALLY ugly: He knows every bit of me. That is daunting and scary at first -- do I really want someone to know everything about me? But, I promise: it's really Good News!

Here's why:

God knows your FAILURES.

I find it uncomfortable to realize I don't have any secrets from God, because there are things about me I'd rather God not know. But the Bible says, "My sins, O God, are not hidden from you; you know how foolish I have been." (Psalm 69:5)

You're not fooling God when you keep your sin hidden. He's not shocked by your sin, and when you admit it to Him, it will never change the way He feels about you. He loves you unconditionally, and that means you don't have to fake it. You don't have to pretend.

God knows your FRUSTRATIONS.

You may think, "Nobody knows what I'm going through. Nobody feels the pain I'm experiencing." God knows. He's seen the crisis in your soul. No hurt goes unnoticed by God. Psalm 56:8 says, "You know how troubled I am; you have kept a record of my tears."

Because God knows your frustrations and despair, you can give those feelings to Him: "Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) Cast them all permanently on God, once and for all.

God knows your FUTURE.

The Bible says that even before you were born, God knew all of your future: "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:16)

We can live unafraid of our future, because God knows it all and still calls me blessed and highly favored! What a God!

This week, live like God knows everything, and that you don't need to. What a load off!




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